The Overburdened Liver
The liver is our primary detox organ. It’s the job of the liver to filter toxins from the blood and escort them out of the body. For more information about these functions please check out my blog Understanding Liver Function.
The Bucket Analogy
When I think about the “burdens” on the body and specifically the Liver, I think of the bucket analogy:
Envision a bucket in your mind’s eye. Imagine that sitting around the bucket is a large supply of glasses with water in them. Now imagine that someone begins to pour those glasses of water into the bucket, one by one. Initially, those glasses of water are not going to present a problem, but what about as the bucket begins to get full? Those glasses of water are going to push the bucket over the edge, water will begin splashing out and eventually pouring over the edges. The only way to slow the process is to stop adding water and begin to siphon some of the water out of the bucket.
When we think of this analogy through the perspective of the body, the analogy lends itself very well to the Liver. Think about it this way: Envision your liver, working away at all of its various tasks, and then comes along an added insult… It could be anything like:
excessive protein & fat intake
excessive sugar & simple carbohydrate intake
overeating oof any foods
excessive intake of enzyme deficient (processed) foods
prescription drug residues
recreational Drug Residues
alcohol Consumption
environmental Toxins
air pollutants
lack of exercise
water pollutants
non-organic produce
non-organic/grass-fed/pasture raised meats & dairy
farm-raised fish
consuming food & drink that has been stored (or worse, HEATED) in plastic
eating food that has been microwaved
bacteria and/or parasites that come in with our foods
household toxins, especially cleaning supplies
personal care items with toxins
smoking or second-hand smoke
As you add up these “burdens”, these insults on the system, they can begin to accumulate over time. Those burdens are going to push the body over the edge, signs and symptoms will begin splashing and eventually pouring out in various ways throughout the body. Do you see how a little of this here, and a little of that there can really begin to add up and push your body over the edge? The only way to slow the process is to stop adding “burdens” and begin to siphon some of them off is to support the liver by mitigating toxin exposure and supporting detox pathways.
What does The Overburdened Liver Look Like?
We are bio-individual: which means we are all unique, even two people who experience the same symptom, likely are experiencing it for different reasons, because the path to that moment was different. That being said, the overburdened liver may present is various different ways, for different people. Here are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that your liver is NOT functioning at its most optimal level.
Skin Issues (ie: eczema, psoriasis, dry or palled looking skin, unexplained rashes etc.)
digestive issues (ie: constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, etc.)
loose or tan colored or floating stools
low energy & fatigue
allergies, hay fever & asthma
issues with blood sugar balance & diabetes
obesity & weight loss resistance
tenderness or rash in the middle of the back, especially on the right side
dizziness & disorientation
lack of appetite
What can we Control?
Seeing a list of all the things that can overburden the liver can feel a bit overwhelming. BUT there is good news!
There are so many things that ARE within your control, that you can slowly bring into your stream of mindfulness. Once one thing has been eliminated, you can move on to crowding out more things. There are so many small changes that can really contribute to a big impact. The key is so simply begin by bringing awareness to the areas where there is potential for improvement, and commit to taking small meaningful actions! The next step is to take pride in the steps that you are taking to support your liver and your overall health.
For more information on how to support the liver, stay tuned for my next blog that will be called “Supporting the Liver”.
Posted: February 22nd 2022